Panforte – ‘s recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Panforte - Misya's recipe


First, lightly toast the almonds in a non-stick pan, then let them cool

Cut the candied fruit into small cubes.

Combine almonds, candied fruit, flour and spices in a bowl and mix.

Dissolve the sugar and honey in the water in a saucepan, cooking until you obtain a slightly amber syrup.

Pour the syrup over the other ingredients and mix with a wooden spoon: the mixture will be quite firm.

Place the wafer on the bottom of the mold (I used a normal one, but if you have a hinged one it’s better: it will be easier to unmold the cake), pour the mixture into the mould, level the surface and sprinkle with plenty of icing sugar , then cook for approximately 25-30 minutes in a static oven preheated to 180°C.

Remove the cake from the oven, but let it cool slightly before turning it out: do not let it cool completely, or you will not be able to remove it from the mold, due to the caramelized sugar.

The panforte is ready: let it cool completely, sprinkle it with plenty of icing sugar and serve it.


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