Sesame chocolate truffles – Italian Cuisine

Sesame chocolate truffles


1) In a saucepan, courses to the boil the cream; Meanwhile, chopped the chocolate and put it in the mixer, unite the hot cream and operate the appliance for a few moments.

2) Transfer the mixture obtained in a bowl e unite the grains of cocoa beans; so put it on in the fridge to firm up, mixing it from time to time so that it does not solidify completely. Meanwhile, toasted the sesame seeds, separately, under the grill of the oven for 3-4 minutes.

3) When the chocolate mixture is firmer, but still workable, put it on in a pastry pocket e distribute it in heaps the size of a walnut on a sheet of baking paper, sprinkled with cocoa.

4) Roll the piles so as to form many truffles, pass half of them in the light sesame seeds and the other half in the black sesame seeds. Transfer them in the fridge for at least 1 hour e serve them with black tea.


Posted on 23/12/2021



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