Scones recipe with coconut cream and strawberries – Italian Cuisine

Scones recipe with coconut cream and strawberries


  • 450 g 00 flour
  • 140 g whole milk
  • 120 g butter
  • 100 g eggs (2 small)
  • 30 g brown sugar
  • 16 g baking powder
  • salt
  • 200 g coconut milk
  • 200 g fresh cream
  • 70 g caster sugar
  • 35 g corn starch
  • 20 g grated coconut

Jumbled up the flour with the yeast and a pinch of salt, then dip it in the very cold butter to obtain a sandy mixture (you can also prepare it in the blender).
Add the cold eggs, the brown sugar and finally the milk by pouring it in a thread and continuing to knead or whisk until everything is well mixed.
Knead the mixture for 1 minute on the floured surface giving it a rectangular, tile shape; wrap it in plastic wrap and leave it to rest in the fridge for 1 hour.
Roll out then the dough 3 cm thick and, with a 6 cm diameter pasta cutter ring, cut 12 discs. Place them in a baking tray lined with parchment paper and bake them in the static oven at 175 ° C for about 15 minutes or until they are lightly browned.

Heat coconut milk with grated coconut.
Jumbled up sugar and cornstarch and dilute them with cream; stirring constantly add the hot coconut milk and bring back to the heat until the cream thickens. At the first boil, transfer it to a bowl, cover it with plastic wrap and let it cool, stirring often. (Prepare the cream while the dough is resting).
Open in half the scones, lukewarm, and stuff them with the coconut cream, topping with wild strawberries and garnished with strawberries and a sprinkling of grated coconut.


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