Scallops with Marsala Recipe – Italian Cuisine – Italian Cuisine

Scallops with Marsala Recipe - Italian Cuisine


  • 8 slices of veal nut
  • 200 g rice flour
  • 150 g vegetable broth
  • 100 g butter
  • 80 g Marsala
  • laurel
  • thyme
  • sage
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt
  • pepper

Beat the slices of meat lightly, so that they are all the same thickness.
Flour them in the rice flour, shaking them from excess, and quickly blanch them in a pan with a drizzle of oil, butter, a few thyme and sage leaves and 1 bay leaf.
Season with salt and pepper and let them rest on a plate, covered with aluminum foil.
Report the pan on the fire, remove the herbs, blend with the Marsala and add the hot broth. Let it cook over low heat, adding a knob of butter to thicken the sauce; salt and pepper.
Put back the slices in a pan and finish cooking in a few seconds, letting them flavor in the sauce. Serve garnished with fresh herbs.


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