Tag: scallops

Just two ingredients, a few steps for an original but healthy appetizer – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Just two ingredients, a few steps for an original but healthy appetizer


Cut the onion, carrot, celery and potato into coarse pieces. Place all the vegetables in a large pot with a liter of water and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and leave to simmer for 30-40 minutes. Filter the broth. Heat a spoonful of extra virgin olive oil in a pan.


Chicken scallops with lemon – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Chicken scallops with lemon


The Lemon chicken cutlets they are simple to prepare and with a few little secrets they can become an applause-worthy second course. A few simple steps to obtain a dish that will make everyone happy, rich in taste and flavour. And if you like this recipe we also recommend them scallops with red onion

How to prepare lemon chicken scallops

To be delicious chicken scallops with lemon cLet’s start by passing the chicken breast slices in the flour, melt some butter in the pan and cook our chicken fillets on both sides, then season with salt and pepper and at the end add some lemon juice which we will allow to evaporate. Here are all the steps.


Pasta with Scallops – Pasta with Scallops Recipe – Italian Cuisine

»Pasta with Scallops - Misya Pasta with Scallops Recipe


pasta with scallops it is a perfect recipe for the holiday season and in particular I find it very suitable for the New Year's Eve dinner. The preparation is extremely simple and fast and the result of sure effect. The combination of scallops with lard or bacon, then, shouts guaranteed success! In short, if you still did not have a clear idea of ​​what to cook tomorrow night, this could be the solution to your dilemma … But if even this does not convince you, tomorrow I will publish one last themed recipe, always very chic and refined. and even just as fast … Stay tuned;)

First of all, remove the molluscs from the shells with a smooth blade; separately, chop the lard, chopping it with a knife.

Brown the garlic and lard with a little oil in a non-stick pan.
When the lard is well browned, add the scallops, let them season briefly and then blend with the wine.
Meanwhile, cook the pasta and drain it al dente.

The pasta with scallops is ready: add the pasta to the sauce, season with salt and pepper and serve, perhaps in the well-cleaned shells.


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