Savory pie with agretti recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Savory pie with agretti recipe


Call them agretti or friar’s beard, it doesn’t matter: what matters is cooking them and enjoying this unique ingredient that spring gives us. We asked the Piedmontese chef Paolo Rollini – today executive chef at Trattoria del Ciumbia, in the heart of Brera, in Milan – to prepare some dishes for us to celebrate these vegetables.

The chef proposed one to us savory pie with agretti and bacon quick and easy to make. You will have to clean the agretti well, brown them in a pan with oil and blend with sparkling waterthen chop them roughly and add them to a mixture of eggs, cream, salt and parmesan also joining the browned bacon and the diced fontina. Pour everything into the disk puff pastry placed in the cake pan and baked.

Also discover these recipes: Tarts with stracchino and agretti, Savory cake “in bloom”, Baked omelette with agretti, Omelette roll with speck and friar’s beard and, again by chef Paolo Rollini, the Giardiniera of agretti and sardines in tempura.


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