Savory biscuits for aperitifs – Italian Cuisine

»Savory biscuits for aperitifs


In a large bowl, work together flour, softened butter, pecorino cheese, water, a pinch of salt and white pepper to taste. Continue to work until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.

Roll out the salted pastry on the floured work surface, creating a not too thin sheet. Cut the biscuits with a star shape (I used one of 5-6 cm), positioning them gradually on the baking sheet covered with parchment paper.
With a knife cut away a piece of pastry from each star, creating a space about twice the edge of the glass to use (the cookies in the oven will swell a bit 'and the space will shrink).

Brush the surface of the cookies with egg white, decorated with poppy seeds, paprika, chopped pistachio or what you have chosen for decoration, then bake in preheated oven at 170 ° and cook for about 10 minutes or until the edges do not they will be golden.

Let it cool completely before touching it, then remove from the pan, pour your drink in the glasses and complete the aperitif by sticking your savory biscuits on the edges of the glasses.

TAGS: Recipe Savory biscuits for aperitifs How to prepare savory biscuits for aperitifs Savory biscuits for an aperitif recipe


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