Roman sweet pizza | Salt and pepper – Italian Cuisine

Roman sweet pizza | Salt and pepper



In Rome and in Central Italy, the Easter specialty par excellence it has a very special scent and an ancient recipe well rooted in the local culture, it is about Roman sweet pizza: a soft and soft dessert more like a panettone that to Pizza that we usually think. By tradition, the Roman sweet pizza it is eaten for breakfast along with cold cuts and boiled eggs or chocolate eggs but it is also used as a gift or is brought to the table in place of bread.

There Roman sweet pizza it has an unmistakable appearance: the rind is soft and thin, dark brown in color, while the crumb is lighter, more compact and thin-grained. There variant of Sale & Pepe it is very close to the traditional recipe: the dough is made with flour, sugar, eggs, butter and brewer's yeast; but, to make this really special Roman sweet pizza are the ingredients with which it is enriched and flavored: cinnamon and candied citrus peel; which give it a unique and unmistakable flavor.

You must know, however, that the preparation of the Roman sweet pizza it is long and elaborate: it is a ritual that in every Roman family repeats on the occasion of the religious feast; the dough should be treated "like a son", it should be kept warm for a long time so that it grows up to the edge of the mold and must be checked often to be sure of seizing the right moment to bake it. And moreover, according to tradition, the Roman doce pizza once cooked to really get all the flavor and aromas that its ingredients give it should rest for a week before being consumed!

Discover yourself how to prepare the Roman sweet pizza at home, with this one Salt & Pepper recipe, the necessary patience for the waiting will be rewarded by the scent and the goodness of a sweet that will remain in the heart of your family and your friends.

Preparation of the Roman sweet pizza

1) Break the brewer's yeast in a bowl and pour plenty of lukewarm water, just enough to melt it, then add 4-5 tablespoons of flour, taken from the total needed for the pizza dough, stir and let the mixture rest for 30 minutes.

2) Meanwhile put the rest of the sifted flour in a large bowl, add it sugar and forms the fountain in the center. Add to the interior 4 eggs beaten with a pinch of salt. Join the melted butter lukewarm and the leavened mixture, after which it begins to knead slowly incorporating the flour. Now join the peel of candied citrus fruits (instead you can use the raisins squeezed and softened previously in a cup of warm water for 15 minutes), the Lemon peel grated and the cinnamon. If you like it, add 1 cap of anise liqueur (or sambuca), then knead for a long time, about 20-30 minutes, until you get an elastic compound.

3) Cut the dough, cover it with a clean cloth and leave it bump up in a warm place for about 60 minutes. Meanwhile, he is buttering and flourishing one round mold of 10-12 cm of height and 22 of diameter, alternatively a mold for the panettone is also fine.

4) Resume the dough and work it again on the floured surface for about 3-4 minutes, form a ball, place it in the mold and cut the surface in several places. Cover with a tea towel e make it rise in a warm place for at least 4-5 hours, until the dough has reached the edge of the mold.

5) Turn on the oven on the static function and bring it to the temperature of 200 ° C. Brush the sweet pizza With the'egg left, lightly beaten with a fork, bake and cook for 35-40 minutes. Before turning out, place a long wooden toothpick in the center of the cake, take it out and observe if it comes out dry, then cook it and let it cool. Roman sweet pizza. If you like, you can dust the surface with icing sugar before serving.



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