Roast Turkey – Roast Turkey Recipe – Italian Cuisine

»Roast Turkey - Misya Roast Turkey Recipe


Season the mustard with salt and pepper, then brush it evenly over the meat.
Arrange the slices of bacon on a sheet of parchment paper, overlapping them slightly, and place them on the turkey.

Wrap the meat with the bacon, helping it if necessary with parchment paper, then tie it well with string.

Grease a pan of oil, arrange the turkey and cook at 200 °, in an oven already hot, for 15 minutes per side.
Then sprinkle with broth, turn the temperature to 180 ° C and cook for about 40 minutes.

At this point, transfer the meat onto a cutting board, remove the string and let it cool.
Meanwhile, prepare the sauce: pour the cooking base of the roast, left in the pan, in a saucepan, add the cream and bring to a boil, then slowly add the flour sifted with a colander.
Turn off the heat, add the lemon juice and mix well.

Serve your roast turkey accompanied by its mustard gravy sauce.

TAGS: Roast Turkey recipe How to prepare roast turkey | Roast turkey recipe


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