Tag: Roast

Roast chicken with potatoes recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Roast chicken with potatoes recipe


What does the potato pair perfectly with? With the chicken roast, for example. A happy marriage that has lasted for many years and immediately brings to mind the scent of Sundays spent with the family. The roast chicken with potatoes it is a great classic, tasty, always good and also easy to prepare. As well as a passepartout for when you meet up for dinner with lots of friends.

How to recognize a quality chicken?

To choose quality chicken meat, the ideal is to take a whole chicken. In fact, it is from there that we can verify that the legs are darker and have tougher skin, two characteristics that are symbolic of a healthy chicken. Furthermore, the meat of a chicken raised with respect for the animal is firm and tasty, not melting and almost flavourless. The color of the meat is natural pink, not tending towards grey, visibly healthy. In general, in any case, it is always better to ask your butcher for advice and prefer an animal raised on the ground or – better yet – outdoors and not in intensive farming.


Mushroom roast – ‘s recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Mushroom roast - Misya's recipe


First of all, if you haven’t bought it already tied, tie the meat with kitchen twine (here’s the guide on how to do it best).
Season the oil in a saucepan with garlic and rosemary, then add the roast from all sides, so as to seal in the bulk of the juices, then add the wine and season with salt and pepper.

Cover the meat with water (or broth) up to half and continue cooking for about 2 hours, turning it about every 30 minutes.

In the meantime, soak the dried mushrooms in hot water for at least 30 minutes.
Separately, clean the fresh mushrooms and cut them into pieces and, once the dried mushrooms have been drained, add them to the fresh ones.

About 30 minutes before the end of cooking, before turning it for the last time, add the mushrooms around the meat, then complete cooking.

Wrap the roast in aluminum foil and let the roast rest for at least 5-10 minutes.
In the meantime, let the cooking juices dry.

Remove the foil and string and cut the meat into slices.

The mushroom roast is ready, all you have to do is serve it with all the mushrooms on the side.


the definitive recipe | The Italian kitchen – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

the definitive recipe |  The Italian kitchen


Already on your menusroast veal? On special occasions everyone goes in search of the perfect recipe to make a great impression without too much effort and the roast is always an excellent idea and here we want to reveal how to prepare a fantastic roast veal without stress.

Meat for the roast

Let’s face it, the secret of a good roast is all in the meat.
If you choose the wrong cut, no seasoning and no cooking will save the recipe.
Because preparing a roast is actually very simple, you just need to follow a few instructions and a few steps, but the choice of meat is fundamental.
So, if you are not an expert in the matter, rely on a good butcher and ask for the rump, given that it is very tender and with a rather rounded and uniform shape, or the walnut, tail or silverside cut.
Pay attention to grease, it is one of the most important parts to evaluate when purchasing. The meat must have some for a perfect result.

The golden rules for a good roast

What is the right weight per person? Consider that for four or six people the ideal weight ranges from 600 g up to approximately 1 kg of meat.

Browning the meat
You cannot cook the roast directly in the oven. The meat goes first in the pot browning each side well. Once the entire external part is well “sealed”, you can move on to cooking in the oven.

The temperature of the meat
You have to take her to room temperature. You cannot cook the piece of meat for the roast cold, straight out of the refrigerator.

The meat, once cooked, it must rest before being cut It’s served.

After these premises, let’s move on to the recipe.

Roast veal recipe


600 g of veal for roast
1 stalk of celery
1 large carrot
1 onion
1 glass of white wine
extra virgin olive oil (or a knob of butter)
rosemary to taste
sage to taste
Salt and Pepper To Taste


Bring the meat to room temperature if it has been stored in the refrigerator.
Then brown it in a pan with oil or butter, or both, and the chopped vegetables and when it is well sealed, blend with the White wine.
Let the alcohol evaporate and then transfer the meat to a baking tray with the vegetables and cooking sauce.

Add rosemary and sage and cook in a fan oven at 180° for about 45 minutes.
Obviously cooking times change if the weight of the meat is greater.
Baste the meat often with the cooking bottom and, once ready, remove it from the oven, season with salt and pepper and wrap it in aluminum foil for 30 minutes.

Keep the seasoning for later. You can blend it to add it to the dishes slices of meator use it crudely.
Once cooled, the meat goes cut into fairly thin slices. It should be slightly pink, but not raw, in the center.

If you have a kitchen thermometer, consider that the perfect cooking of the heart is at 68-70°.
An important tip: never use a fork to prick the meat to release the juices.

Roast veal with apples

A very interesting and perfect variant on special occasions is roast veal with apples, which should be added directly into the oven after browning, alone or with potatoes.
Which apples to choose? They’re fine golden apples or even small, tasty apples, the important thing is to keep them with the peel.

Roast with potatoes

Perhaps there is no recipe that conveys the idea of ​​a family celebration more than roast with potatoes.
To prepare it, follow the previous procedure exactly.
When cooking the meat in the oven, add some potatoes, slightly blanched and cut into pieces, or some new potatoes small with peel.
And one also goes very well with potatoes clove of garlicso don’t forget it.

Scroll through the images for other useful tips for preparing roast veal in the oven:


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