Roast Chicken Day: better the breast or the thigh? – Italian Cuisine



According to a Doxa survey, chicken meat is the most appreciated and purchased by Italians


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The secular enigma … Chest or thigh? Good question. The breast is to be eaten with a knife and fork, the thigh to be held strictly in the hands and to be savored bite after bite. And this is precisely the theme around which the Roast Chicken Day… Better the chest or the thigh?

The social appointment is for this morning, Saturday 2 October at 11.00 on the Vivailpollo Facebook page. No, perhaps calling it an appointment is an understatement. Here we are talking about a real one marathon social to celebrate one of the favorite dishes of Italians that sees guests from the world of catering like Chef Roy Caceres, Chef Max Mariola and Chef Rosanna Marziale, and characters from the world of social like the highly anticipated Sonia Peronaci, the influencer Emanuele Ferrari and Nonna Giovanna, the granfluencer who with her grandson Nicola will reveal all the secrets of their roast chicken recipe.

The data of the roast chicken
On the occasion of Roast Chicken Day, this is confirmed by aDoxa investigation: chicken meat is the most consumed by Italians. Do you think that 72% of Italians eat it at least once a week! What about the roast chicken? Again the data are surprising: about 40 million Italians eat roast chicken once a month and 41% of people aged between 18 and 24 consume roast chicken at least once a week! After all, how can you give up a perfectly cooked roast chicken? Succulent and tasty white meat to accompany with the classic side dish of baked potatoes!
But the most awaited data that emerged from the Doxa survey is precisely this: we can say with certainty whether Italians appreciate the chest or the thigh more! And… The thigh wins with 56% of the votes compared to 35% of the votes for the chest!

Roasted chicken side dish
On its own it is delicious, and we all agree on this … But accompanied by a side of crunchy vegetables even better! The most classic side dish is baked potatoes, very crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside, flavored with oil, salt, rosemary or sage are perfect! Here you can find our recipe to prepare them with the peel!
If you don't want to eat the classic potato side dish, you can try preparing a side dish of mixed vegetables in a pan or in the oven; if you prefer to stay light then the perfect side dish is a fresh salad!

October 2021
Giulia Ferrari

Posted on 01/10/2021


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