Recipe Warm crostini with cooked ham and horseradish – Italian Cuisine


  • 4 slices of cooked ham
  • 4 sweet and sour gherkins
  • 2 slices of homemade bread
  • salted butter
  • fresh horseradish (or horseradish sauce)
  • 1

    Cut sliced ​​gherkins.

  • 2

    Divide halve the slices of bread and heat them in the oven, obtaining croutons; spread them with soft butter, place a slice of ham on each crouton, a sliced ​​gherkin, completed with a grated horseradish (or the tip of a teaspoon of sauce) and serve.

  • 3

    Wine pairing: a red for an aperitif? It can be done, as long as it is light and served cool (around 14 ° C). The Santa Maddalena Classico Huck am Back 2019 by Cantina Bolzano, juicy and fruity, is drunk with great pleasure (13 euros,

Recipe: Joëlle Néderlants, Texts: Valentina Vercelli; Photo: Riccardo Lettieri, Styling: Beatrice Prada


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