Recipe Tagliatelle with Bolognese sauce, the traditional recipe – Italian Cuisine

Recipe Tagliatelle with Bolognese sauce, the traditional recipe


A plate of noodles season with Bolognese sauce it is able to sweep away all our thoughts in a single forkful. Symbol of Emilian home cooking, but also of most genuine trattorias in EmiliaFor many, tagliatelle with Bolognese sauce has the flavor of home, family, celebration and conviviality.

In the recipe the ragù is prepared with beef and pork and cooked for a long time on the stove (at least two or three hours) with the tomato (the puree, but also the concentrate). This results in an ideal condiment for Homemade handmade egg pastatagliatelle as in this case, but also pappardelletagliolini, ravioli.

Discover the recipe and also a tip for enjoying ragù without pasta!


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