Recipe Potatoes stuffed with agretti – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Recipe Potatoes stuffed with agretti


The au gratin potatoes filled with yolk and agretti they are an original recipe from the Piedmontese chef Paolo Rollini – today executive chef at the Trattoria del Ciumbia, in the heart of Brera, in Milan – who we asked to interpret the friar’s bearda slightly seasonal vegetable that pairs perfectly with eggs.

The chef gives us two tips for preparation. The first concerns the stuffed potatoes: once you have boiled the potatoes in their skin, let them cool, then dig them out with a special corer, making a hole in the center of the tuber cap and collecting the excavated pulp. Peel the potatoes after having dug them and finally stuff them.

The second is the sparkling water trick to treat the agretti: when you braise the agretti, blend them with a little very cold carbonated water, the thermal shock combined with the carbon dioxide will fix the color. Remove them from the hot pan immediately afterwards.

Also discover the chef’s other recipes with agretti: Savory pie with agretti, bacon and fontina, Giardiniera of agretti and sardines in tempura, Agretti omelette with horseradish mayonnaise, Risotto with agretti and luganega pesto.


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