Recipe Passatelli with saffron in fish broth – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Recipe Passatelli with saffron in fish broth


The fish broth and saffron passatelli is a first course created by chef Matias Perdomo, a Michelin star with the Contraste restaurant in Milan, which combines two traditional regional preparations, one typical of the Romagna Riviera, the other of Emilia.

To make this dish you will have to brown the fillets in a pan hen and of mulletThe squid in touches and tails of escapeWhile bones and heads you will use them to do the broth. For the passatelli you will have to knead breadcrumbs, eggs, parmesan, saffron, lemon zest and nutmeg and shape the dough by passing it through a potato masher with large holes or through the iron specially designed for passatelli if you have one. You will then cook the passatelli in the broth with the fish for a few minutes and complete with parsley.

Also discover: Passatelli by Doctor Balanzone, Passatelli with seafood, Passatelli from grandmother Ancella, Brodetto of fish, crustaceans and molluscs.


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