Recipe Endive stuffed with sea water – Italian Cuisine


  • 100 g sea water
  • 50 g of stale bread crumbs
  • 20 g smoked scamorza
  • 10 g toasted pine nuts
  • 5 g sultanas
  • 4 g fresh sardines of medium size
  • 1 head of Neapolitan smooth escarole
  • wild garlic
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt
  • pepper

For the recipe endive stuffed with sea water, clean the sardines, removing the head and the central bone.
Wash the escarole and blanch the whole head in boiling salted water for a couple of minutes, then dip it in ice water.
Cut the head in half without reaching all the way so that the two parts remain united; open it, so as to obtain a bed of escarole.
Soak stale bread in sea water (if you can't find sea water, you can boil 80 g of glasswort in 200 g of water for about 3 minutes. Then remove the glasswort, which you can use to season 2 portions of spaghetti together with butter and lemon, and use the cooking water).
Chop coarsely the sardines and add them to the soaked bread, mixing everything with a fork. Add the diced scamorza cheese, toasted pine nuts, raisins, soaked in warm water for 2-3 hours and then squeezed, 1 teaspoon of minced wild garlic and a couple of tablespoons of oil, adjusting the filling with salt and pepper.
Roll out the filling on the bed of escarole, then reassemble the head.
Roll out a sheet of parchment paper, grease it, lay the stuffed escarole on top and wrap it tightly, sealing the ends well. Leave to rest for 1 hour in the refrigerator.
Grease a pan with a drizzle of oil and brown the escarole on all sides, leaving it wrapped in baking paper, then put it in the oven at 180 ° C for 10 minutes.
Eliminate baking paper, slice the stuffed escarole and serve.


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