Recipe Chickpea porridge, avocado, radishes and mixed salad – Italian Cuisine

Recipe Chickpea porridge, avocado, radishes and mixed salad


  • 250 g chickpea flour
  • 60 g mixed salad
  • 3 radishes
  • 2 avocados
  • lemon
  • lemon balm (alternatively basil)
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt fine and flakes

Jumbled up chickpea flour with 750 g of water, until you get a smooth batter; let it rest for 2 hours.
Remove from the batter the foam that will have formed on the surface (in the oven it would tend to caramelize, hindering the cooking of the interior). With a whisk, mix 40 g of oil and 7 g of fine salt.
distributed the mixture in 3 round trays (ø 20 cm) with a 2 cm rim and bake at 220 ° C for about 10 minutes.
Peel avocados, cut them into slices, salt and season with 1/2 lemon juice. Wash radishes and cut them into slices.
distributed the mixed salad on the porridge, completed with radishes and avocado, and flavored with salt flakes and a few leaves of lemon balm (or basil).


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