Recipe Chicken fillets with mustard butter – Italian Cuisine

Recipe Chicken fillets with mustard butter


  • 800 g chicken fillets
  • 30 g mustard
  • cartoon or fish broth
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 shallot
  • dry white wine
  • lemon
  • chili pepper powder
  • butter
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt
  • pepper

To prepare chicken fillets with mustard butter, mix 75 g of soft butter with mustard, 1/2 lemon juice and chilli pepper to taste.
Peel the cucumber and cut it into 4-5 mm pieces. Blanch the tomato, peel it and also cut it into cubes.
Blanch all for less than 1 minute, drain and season with a drizzle of oil, salt and pepper.
Rub fillets of gurnard with mustard butter and leave to rest in the fridge for 30 minutes.
Chop shallot and cook it gently with a knob of butter, blend with 1/2 glass of white wine, let it evaporate, then wet with 1 ladle of comics and reduce until a creamy sauce is obtained.
saute the chicken fillets in another hot pan with the marinade butter.
serve with tomato and cucumber and season everything with the shallot sauce.


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