Pumpkin omelette: you can do it! that's how – Italian Cuisine


Chopped or pureed, pumpkin is a perfect ingredient to add to eggs and cheese, for an omelette that is even richer in flavor

If you are thinking about which vegetable this season can be added to one omelette to make it even richer in taste, the answer can only be there pumpkin! Tender and sweet, the pumpkin goes very well with eggs and its sweet flavor goes well with many herbs aromatic, that give an extra touch to each omelette. Would you like to prepare the pumpkin omelette?

All the nutritional and aromatic properties of pumpkin

The varieties of pumpkin they are different, but their nutritional value and the properties so useful for our body remain the same. The most important substance contained in this vegetable is undoubtedly the beta-carotene, an important antioxidant, useful to counteract free radicals and to prevent cellular aging. It then protects the circulatory system and has properties anti-inflammatory. Pumpkin also has a high potassium content, useful for maintaining muscle shape and heart activity.

Aromatic herbs that go well with pumpkin

There are many, you are spoiled for choice. Be chives, marjoram and bay leaf. But rosemary, sage and sage also pair very well mint, which gives a touch of freshness to the pumpkin pulp. They are combined during cooking and then can be removed or minced together with the pulp, in the case of a velvety soup. It is not an aromatic herb, but also thegarlic it goes very well with pumpkin.


The recipe for the pumpkin omelette


350 g Mantuan pumpkin, 7 eggs, a pinch of salt, 1/2 red onion, extra virgin olive oil, 100 g grated cheese.


First cut the pumpkin into slices and cook in the oven for 20 minutes. Once the pulp has softened, peel it, remove the seeds and make it into small pieces. Break the eggs into a bowl and beat them with a fork. Add a pinch of salt and the cheese. Finally add the pumpkin cut into small pieces. Mix well. Meanwhile, heat a drizzle of oil in a non-stick pan, add the sliced ​​onion and when it is ready, pour in the egg mixture and cook for 10 minutes, until the bottom is well cooked. Then turn the omelette with the help of a plate or a lid and put it back to cook in the pan with the raw part on the bottom. Let it cook for 10 minutes and then turn off and let it cool.

In the Tutorial some more tips for a perfect pumpkin omelette


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