Pizzoccheri with roasted sprouts and onion cream – Italian Cuisine

Pizzoccheri with roasted sprouts and onion cream


1) Cleanse 300 g of Brussels sprouts e cut them in half (in wedges if particularly large), scald them in salted boiling water for 3-4 minutes, then drain them with a slotted spoon, dry them, season with extra virgin olive oil and salt and distribute them on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Do them to roast in the oven at 200 ° for 15 minutes.

2) In the same water as the sprouts boiled 250 g of cauliflower in florets; drain them with a slotted spoon e blend them with a little cooking water to obtain a cream.

3) In the same water cook up to 1 kg of fresh pizzoccheri (or 400 g of dry ones); drain them, transfer them in a hot bowl and toss with the cauliflower cream. United the sprouts, 80 g of speck in strips browned in a pan with a drizzle of oil, 50 g of chopped walnut kernels and plenty of pepper.


Posted on 12/15/2021



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