Tag: pizzoccheri

Valtellina pizzoccheri with cabbage and Valtellina cheese: mountain tradition at the table. – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Valtellina pizzoccheri with cabbage and Valtellina cheese: mountain tradition at the table.


Prepare i Valtellina pizzoccheri with cabbage and Valtellina cheese it’s like tasting an authentic piece of this fascinating mountainous region. This dish, rooted in tradition, offers the warmth and goodness you expect from Italian mountain cuisine. The combination of pizzoccheri, a homemade pasta made with buckwheat, fresh cabbage and Valtellina cheese creates a harmony of flavors and textures that will win you over from the first bite.


Traditional pizzoccheri with cabbage, garlic and casera – Italian Cuisine

Traditional pizzoccheri with cabbage, garlic and casera


1) Mixed the two flours, knead them with 450 ml of cold water and knead until the dough is smooth and not too soft, adding little water if necessary.

2) Roll out the dough with a rolling pin to a thickness of 2-3 mm, then obtained strips 7-8 cm wide; overlap the strips and, with the help of a smooth blade knife, cut out many "tagliatelle" 5-8 mm wide.

3) Bring boil abundant salted water and add the diced potatoes and the cabbage into strips; after 2-3 minutes, unite the pasta and cook for 9-10 minutes (a couple of minutes more for the dry one). Meanwhile melt butter with garlic until it is hazelnut in color.

4) With a slotted spoon, collect the pasta and the vegetables, drain them very well and transfer them in a large hot bowl, alternating them in layers with the diced casera cheese and parmesan. Eliminate garlic, pour over the butter and pepper to taste.


Posted 02/02/2022



Pizzoccheri with roasted sprouts and onion cream – Italian Cuisine

Pizzoccheri with roasted sprouts and onion cream


1) Cleanse 300 g of Brussels sprouts e cut them in half (in wedges if particularly large), scald them in salted boiling water for 3-4 minutes, then drain them with a slotted spoon, dry them, season with extra virgin olive oil and salt and distribute them on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Do them to roast in the oven at 200 ° for 15 minutes.

2) In the same water as the sprouts boiled 250 g of cauliflower in florets; drain them with a slotted spoon e blend them with a little cooking water to obtain a cream.

3) In the same water cook up to 1 kg of fresh pizzoccheri (or 400 g of dry ones); drain them, transfer them in a hot bowl and toss with the cauliflower cream. United the sprouts, 80 g of speck in strips browned in a pan with a drizzle of oil, 50 g of chopped walnut kernels and plenty of pepper.


Posted on 12/15/2021



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