Antonino Cannavacciuolo: recipe – Italian Cuisine – Italian Cuisine


The two Michelin-starred chef from Campania tells us about his little thoughts about harp and the recipe for penne garlic and clams to try right under the holidays

Although it has long been established in the north, Antonino Cannavacciuolo he is a very “Neapolitan” chef, especially in his heart. Director of last year's December issue of our magazine, we could only involve him again this year to ask him some curiosities about Christmas and his cuisine.

Inspirational thoughts of chef Cannavacciuolo

Chef, what are your superstitious rituals in the kitchen?
«I have no special rites. When I have to do something important, I always look at the sky .

What are the lucky ingredients?
"My oil, lemon, tomato".

What is the secret ingredient to prepare a pasta to perfection?
"No recipe: for everything, it takes love, passion and imagination".

The cook, 2 Michelin stars he conceived together with Voiello a fun and succulent Christmas gift designed for all lovers of good food and mise en table with a good luck title: La Scaramantica 2021 – Luck is golden. In addition to the set of cards, 4 recipes, Christmas cards and themed porcelain plates, you can try The Gran Penna Rough Voiello: neither smooth nor striped, but very rough, to capture every sauce, produced entirely in the only plant in Marcianise, in Caserta. According to the chef, this pasta is "superstitious" thanks to his roughness that captures all the positive note, its luck, its taste. Therefore perfect for the festive table, ecco an excellent recipe by chef Cannavacciuolo:

Antonino Cannavacciuolo's recipe: Rough penne with garlic cream and clams

Ingredients for 4 people

360 g pens
500 g clams
2 cloves of garlic
1 stalk of parsley
1 yolk
80 g milk
60 g semi-whipped cream
4 heads pink garlic
1 chilli
chopped parsley
bread crumbs
extra virgin olive oil


Wash the clams under running water and let them drain. In a saucepan, brown the parsley and garlic with oil, add the clams, cover with a lid and after a few seconds add half a glass of water.

Cover again and continue cooking until all the clams are open.

Remove from the fire, shell and filter the water, keeping it aside.

Peeled the heads of garlic and deprive the cloves of the soul. Blanch 5 times in water and milk. The last cooking is done with milk only. Drain, blend, flavor and filter.

Prepare an English custard bringing the milk to the boil, pour it over the yolk, stir and put it back on the flame until it reaches 83 ° C. Filter and cool.

Add the puree cream, mix and finally add the semi-whipped cream.

Fix to your taste with extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper. In a saucepan, sauté a clove of garlic with oil, red pepper and parsley stalks.

Eliminate them and add the water from the clams. Drain the penne halfway through cooking and finish them in the pan adding, when necessary, cooking water and clams, paying attention to the flavor. Once ready, add the clams, stir in the oil and add the chopped parsley.

Serve penne with clams, adding some sweet garlic cream and crumbs of toasted bread.

If you want to try playing with The Scaramantica 2021, find the Voiello gift box for exclusive sale on Amazon.


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