Pistachio French croissant – Italian Cuisine

Pistachio French croissant



Preparation of French pistachio croissants

1) Mix in the mixer (or mixer) the flours, the yeast, lo sugar, the salt and the milk powder. Add 100 g of butter softened into small pieces and 250 ml of cold water. Work for a long time (5-6 minutes) at medium speed until you have a homogeneous mixture. Let it rise in a cool place for 2-3 hours. Put the butter left between two sheets of baking paper, roll it out with a rolling pin in a square of about 20 cm on each side and keep it in the fridge.

2) Roll out the pasta in a rectangle 40-45 cm long (6-7 cm thick) and 20 cm wide and place the slab of butter lightly floured on the lower half of the dough.

3) Fold the pasta over the butter and turn the block 1/4 turn counterclockwise (with the fold to your left). Roll out the pasta to the thickness of 6-7 cm in a rectangle the size of the previous one.

4) Fold the bottom of the rectangle up to 2/3 of the way pasta, then fold the top edge towards you to obtain a square and press the dough lightly with your hands.

5) Then fold the again block in the middle (the block seen in profile now has 4 thicknesses). Wrap it in cling film and let it rest for 1 hour in the fridge.

6) Put the dough on the floured surface, with the fold towards your right. Roll it out again to 6-7 mm thick, in a long, narrow rectangle. Fold the top of the dough over the first third and cover with the lower third.

7) Wrap the square of dough in plastic wrap and put it in the fridge for 1 hour.

8) Divide the dough into two portions and roll them out to a 3-4 mm thick one. Cut the pasta in triangles, you should get at least 12.

9) To do i Croissant. Score the base of each triangle by slightly spreading the two tails. Arrange a teaspoon of pistachio paste over the incision and roll the dough over the filling. Arrange the croissants in a baking tray covered with parchment paper, cover with transparent film and let them rise for 2 hours. Brush them with the yolks, sprinkle with chopped pistachios and cook in a hot frono at 180 ° for about 15-18 minutes.


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