Pesto di Pra ': where the basil is kissed by the sun – Italian Cuisine



The narrow terraces between the mountains and the sea, an ancient recipe wisely measured and a cultivation close to production: these are the secrets of the Pra 'pesto, known throughout the world as the green gold of Liguria


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The Pra 'pesto: the sun and the wind are the raw materials of this ancient and irresistible recipe; from them the Genoese Basil takes shape, color and taste, which in Pra 'is cultivated according to the dictates of an ancient peasant tradition. "Pra 'is the area of ​​choice for the cultivation of basil", says Stefano Bruzzone, owner together with Alessandro Ferrari of the Serre sul Mare farm. "Land of farmers and fishermen, this suburb of the Genoese Ponente has always been known for its terraces and meadows (hence the truncation in Pra 'in fact), which have made basil the protagonist of local agriculture: today, thanks to organoleptic characteristics unique, it is renowned all over the world ".

189624 "src =" "width =" 210 "style =" float: left;Product of the territory
The basil grown in Pra 'therefore has an indissoluble bond with the territory and the secret of its goodness lies precisely in the place where it is born. "For almost two centuries our family has dedicated itself to the cultivation of basil in Genoa Pra 'and; more recently, we have added to this activity the production of traditional Genoese Pesto", continues Bruzzone. "In these hills nestled between the sky and the sea, these plants are born with a bright color and an intense aroma, which from our greenhouses enter directly into the jar as a very fresh and aromatic product". A symphony of flavors, a perfect balance of fragrances that also derives from the careful selection of ingredients and the skill in dosing them.

Green gold made in Genoa Pra '
If the basil grown in Pra 'is the great protagonist of the ancient Genoese recipe, it is the mix with excellent raw materials of the Italian agri-food tradition and give life to that explosion of taste that has earned it the reputation of green gold of Liguria, known and loved throughout Italy and the world: Italian pine nuts, Italian garlic, Pecorino Romano DOP, Italian coarse sea salt, extra virgin olive oil, Parmigiano Reggiano DOP, Grana Padano DOP are expertly mixed according to the rules of an alchemy refined in centuries.

189642 "src =" "width =" 210 "style =" float: left;Short supply chain, according to tradition
"To obtain a final product such as Pesto di Pra '", says Bruzzone, "the short supply chain and the choice of excellent raw materials are essential. Basil is processed just after harvesting: only in this way is the its perfume ". Just like it used to be. "Our commitment is to pass on this great heritage made of peasant values ​​and love for the territory to future generations", he says. "Innovation is a constant effort, but with full respect for tradition", he concludes.

September 2021

Posted on 09/20/2021


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