Tag: sun

Summer Savory Pies: 10 Recipes to Enjoy in the Sun – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Summer Savory Pies: 10 Recipes to Enjoy in the Sun


The summer savory pies They are the perfect solution when the heat starts to make itself felt and you have less and less desire to eat hot dishes. Practicesthey are excellent to enjoy at homebut also to eat during the picnic outdoors. Or, why not, even on the beach because you can prepare them in advance and then eat them cold.

What differentiates them from more classic savory pies? Their shell contains seasonal, fresh ingredients that recall the scents of summer.

What ingredients to choose for summer savory pies?

The watchword is seasonality. Which is always true, but even more so in the summer, when the palate calls for fresh and light flavors. Here are the ingredients to choose for your savory pies:

but not only that, also figs, blue fish, slightly aged and acidic cheeses such as goat cheese, and then make room for aromatic herbs, which complete your summer savory pie by giving it additional aroma. Use basil but also mint for a unique touch.

How and how much to store summer cakes

In the hot season, even if the savory pies are cooked, it is better to “prevent than cure”, as they say. So if the savory pie is left over or prepared the day before, it is better keep it in the refrigerator wrapped in aluminum foil. This operation, obviously, must be done once the cake has completely cooled after cooking, to prevent condensation from forming and the shell of the savory pie from becoming soft.

Stored like this, the savory pie lasts about 2 days.

To restore the initial crispiness, if needed, just put the savory pie in the oven for a few minutes.

10 ideas for summer savory pies

Tomatoes, anchovies, figs, asparagus and more, here are our 10 favorite recipes, for a summer dedicated to sharing, at home or during a picnic.


Pesto di Pra ': where the basil is kissed by the sun – Italian Cuisine



The narrow terraces between the mountains and the sea, an ancient recipe wisely measured and a cultivation close to production: these are the secrets of the Pra 'pesto, known throughout the world as the green gold of Liguria


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The Pra 'pesto: the sun and the wind are the raw materials of this ancient and irresistible recipe; from them the Genoese Basil takes shape, color and taste, which in Pra 'is cultivated according to the dictates of an ancient peasant tradition. "Pra 'is the area of ​​choice for the cultivation of basil", says Stefano Bruzzone, owner together with Alessandro Ferrari of the Serre sul Mare farm. "Land of farmers and fishermen, this suburb of the Genoese Ponente has always been known for its terraces and meadows (hence the truncation in Pra 'in fact), which have made basil the protagonist of local agriculture: today, thanks to organoleptic characteristics unique, it is renowned all over the world ".

189624 "src =" https://www.salepepe.it/files/2021/07/ilpestodipra_IMG_0543.jpg "width =" 210 "style =" float: left;Product of the territory
The basil grown in Pra 'therefore has an indissoluble bond with the territory and the secret of its goodness lies precisely in the place where it is born. "For almost two centuries our family has dedicated itself to the cultivation of basil in Genoa Pra 'and; more recently, we have added to this activity the production of traditional Genoese Pesto", continues Bruzzone. "In these hills nestled between the sky and the sea, these plants are born with a bright color and an intense aroma, which from our greenhouses enter directly into the jar as a very fresh and aromatic product". A symphony of flavors, a perfect balance of fragrances that also derives from the careful selection of ingredients and the skill in dosing them.

Green gold made in Genoa Pra '
If the basil grown in Pra 'is the great protagonist of the ancient Genoese recipe, it is the mix with excellent raw materials of the Italian agri-food tradition and give life to that explosion of taste that has earned it the reputation of green gold of Liguria, known and loved throughout Italy and the world: Italian pine nuts, Italian garlic, Pecorino Romano DOP, Italian coarse sea salt, extra virgin olive oil, Parmigiano Reggiano DOP, Grana Padano DOP are expertly mixed according to the rules of an alchemy refined in centuries.

189642 "src =" https://www.salepepe.it/files/2021/07/VC-08022021_004.jpg "width =" 210 "style =" float: left;Short supply chain, according to tradition
"To obtain a final product such as Pesto di Pra '", says Bruzzone, "the short supply chain and the choice of excellent raw materials are essential. Basil is processed just after harvesting: only in this way is the its perfume ". Just like it used to be. "Our commitment is to pass on this great heritage made of peasant values ​​and love for the territory to future generations", he says. "Innovation is a constant effort, but with full respect for tradition", he concludes.

September 2021

Posted on 09/20/2021


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from Oriental the best products of the Rising Sun. – Italian Cuisine

from Oriental the best products of the Rising Sun.


The Japan in Milan it is located in the Buenos Aires area, one of the first neighborhoods where "Milanese" has learned to live with and treasure other cultures. Among the streets sheltered from the chaos of the Corso is a succession of exotic aromas: Africa, India, Turkey. The presence of the East can be seen from some signs. And from a shop window that, at 25 Via San Gregorio, attracts by the warmth of light and refined furnishings. The shop is called Oriental, a small Asian market open for two years now. Once inside it is difficult not to get caught up in the desire to know everything, not only about cooking, but also about Japanese culture, habits and traditions. Those products are not only there to be sold: the plot of a story can be perceived in the exhibition. Reason for the visit, a selection of limited edition ingredients from the Hokkaido region: shitake mushrooms, indigenous rice, soy sauce, miso, hand-picked nori seaweed and a very special water.

What's so special about Hokkaido?

L'Hokkaido is thenorthernmost island of the Japanese archipelago. An incredibly intact ecosystem made up of volcanoes, lakes, mountains and thermal springs. Here time seems to flow at a different speed. People age more slowly and nature still retains much of its purity. It is considered by many Japanese a small earthly paradise. For gastronomes a sort of mecca, precisely because, being the uncontaminated environment, the raw materials are of an excellent quality.

Here's where to find the rice that Japanese star chefs use

Some of these are on Oriental shelves today. The rice it is placed in a box. Inside three packs of as many varieties: the Yumepirika, awarded as the best in Japan for three consecutive years. "There, prizes matter a lot and in every sector, not only in the food sector," explains Andrea Calvo, who now knows that country as his pockets. The other is the Oborodukithat comes "Cold cultivated". For this reason it contains less amylose and is indicated for those with high blood sugar problems. To complete the picture there is the Nanatsuboshi, ideal for making sushi, often used in starred restaurants in the Rising Sun.

Miso, seaweed, shitake mushrooms and pure water

Three types of miso: the Pirika, which contains more rice than normal and therefore triple the isoflavones, which have an antioxidant action. Then, there is Shiro, less fermented, therefore less savory. And the Dashi, perfect for fish soups. Another specialty is Eggplant moromas, a miso-based sauce to which fermentation has been blocked and barley added. The result is a taste between sweet and sour and pungent that goes perfectly with cucumber. If you want to taste real wild algae, there are the Nori snack which contain, in a few square centimeters, all the flavor of the crystalline waters where they are collected by hand. Last, but not least, the Gaivota, a water so pure that in Japan it is used only for making tea.

From Oriental a corner of Japan to Milan

If these products have reached Milan, the merit is of Andrea Calvo, the Oriental owner, who managed to sign an agreement with the prefecture of Hokkaido and Finnair, the Finnish carrier that took over the transport. Food technician and educator, Andrea is Italian, is married to a Chinese woman and has a daughter with a French sounding name. At home, if you open the cutlery drawer "you will find more chopsticks than forks". After having lived in China for a couple of years, returned to Italy for graduate in Gastronomic Sciences at the University of Pollenzo.

The quality of the raw material above all

There he met Carlo Petrini, founder of Slow Food, and it can be said that, since then, his life has never been the same. From him he learned the importance of the quality of the raw material. But instead of focusing on the local supply chain, he was led by the call of the East is since 2011 it has started to import Asian excellences (80% Japanese, then Chinese, Thai and Korean), selected outside the conventional markets.

Japanese ingredients, Italian cuisine

He is the first person to choose them, while the shop is thedirect emanation of his many travels and his passion for the Orient. If you are lucky enough to meet him, be guided to discover the products that neatly crowd the shelves. But above all let the secrets be revealed for decline the various ingredients in everyday recipes. For example, to add a little miso to Greek yoghurt so as to create an accompanying emulsion for grilled chicken that is not only tasty, but also rich in nutritional properties.

Japan-Milan twinning: a long-term project

The one with Hokkaido is alone the first in a long series – "hopefully" – of twinning with other regions of Japan that Calvo would like to activate in the coming months and that they would get there in Milan rare, excellent and unique products. Small treasure chests with which to create a bridge, «a meeting and an exchange between two apparently distant cultures: East and West. This philosophy wants to become a manifesto, a new way of experimenting, overcoming limits and conventions. Making innovation in sectors in constant movement is the biggest challenge , Andrea has no doubts.


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