Peas, snow peas and clams recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Peas, snow peas and clams recipe


In spring, the Casserole of peas, snow peas and clams it is a versatile dish, which can be enjoyed every day or on a special occasion, as an appetizer, main course or main course. Preparing it is very simple and it doesn’t take much time.

First you will have to cook the clams in a pan with a little oil and add the wine and keep them shelled, once cooked, in their filtered cooking liquid. Cook peas and snow peas in a saucepan with a little oil, garlic and chilli pepper and with the help of the clam cooking water. Finally, add the shellfish and a little parsley.

Also discover these recipes: Balsamic mix of snow peas and snow peas, Sautéed snow peas with shallots and bacon, Clafoutis of asparagus, snow peas and peas, Pan-fried shells and vegetables, Brodetto of mixed fish with first fruits.


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