Pasta with almonds and grapes: an unusual recipe – Italian Cuisine

Pasta with almonds and grapes: an unusual recipe


Pasta with almonds and grapes, preparation

That grapes can enter, and with great results, even in savory dishes was an obvious thing for our ancestors and it is now cleared for us too. With one exception: have you ever seen grapes in pasta? Try it and you will be really surprised.

1) Chop finely 125 g of tender kale leaves (kale) e mix them with 70 g of salted toasted almonds (those for aperitifs, so to speak) also chopped. Wash 100 g of pink grapes, preferably seedless, shell it And divide half the grains, except the smallest ones.

2) Put in a large pan 4 tablespoons of oil, 1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar glaze, the grapes and the mix of kale and almonds. Boil 250 g of pappardelle and drain them al dente keeping 90 ml of cooking water.

3) Transfer the pasta in the pan, unite the cooking water, salty, peppery And jump all for 1-2 minutes. Serve decorating with red basil sprouts and a drizzle of raw oil.


Posted on 30/09/2021



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