20 dedicated recipes to prepare – Italian Cuisine


On October 1st we celebrate coffee and the many ways to prepare it, drink it and even "eat it" with these recipes from appetizer to dessert

The October 1st is celebrated the World coffee day to celebrate a drink loved all over the world. In Italy we have the coffee with mocha And espresso, there is Neapolitan coffee, the Calabrian coffee and the Aosta Valley coffee, but also many other countries have their own characteristic way of preparing it, since Viennese coffee to that Turkish, from Mexican coffee to the Arab one, up to the American one.

THE ways of drinking coffee they are truly infinite: hot, cold, with milk, mixed grappa, with spices, shaken, with drowned ice cream. Then you know the recipes of Borgia coffee he was born in Brulot coffee?

With coffee – in beans, powder, liquid – you can also prepare many dishes, from appetizers to main courses, up to desserts such as tiramisu, but not only.

Our recipes to celebrate World Coffee Day


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