Pasta Salad: Vintage Recipes from the 1980s – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Pasta Salad: Vintage Recipes from the 1980s


Pasta salad, a summer must. And some trends never go out of fashion, but remain a dietary habit. What changes are the ways of presenting the dishes, some ingredients, the quantities, so to speak.

In the year we celebrate the 95 years old de The Italian kitchenlet’s explore how this summer dish was prepared 30 years ago, in the legendary the eighties – when fast food and Nouvelle Cuisine arrived in Italy, opposite extremes of gastronomic culture, and on television there was Lunch is served Of Corrado.

From the number of June 1984an extensive report with a practical introduction explores various variations of pasta salad: here are the recipes proposed – which in the end are still relevant today.


This recipe has already been read 70 times!

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