Passatelli, also good dry! that's how – Italian Cuisine


Passatelli are a typical recipe of Emilian cuisine. Excellent in broth, they are delicious even dry, especially if seasoned in an unexpected way. Such as? We suggest it to you

In autumn, with the temperatures dropping, there is nothing better than a nice plate of soup warm to pamper yourself a little. Have you ever tried the passatelli? Typical ofEmilia Romagna, are based on egg, breadcrumbs and parmesan.
The original recipe calls for them to be served with del beef broth, but also dry they have their why. What to dress them with, though? Beyond the usual sauces, scroll down this page and discover some delicious ones. In our galleryinstead, some makeup to make passatelli and to taste them better.

How to make passatelli

To make passatelli at home, you will need:


120 grams of breadcrumbs, 120 grams of Parmesan cheese, 3 eggs, 1/2 lemon zest, 1.5 liters of meat broth, salt and nutmeg to taste.


The first thing to do is prepare the meat broth (recipe here). To prepare the passatelli, in a bowl, beat the eggs, add the Parmesan, the breadcrumbs, the grated zest of half a lemon and the grated nutmeg. Mix everything until you get a homogeneous and dense mixture. Cover with plastic wrap and leave to rest for about two hours. Now on a pastry board whose surface has been lightly floured, form the passatelli, using the appropriate tool, which requires the dough to be crushed and dragged onto the perforated surface, so that it comes out in the shape of a vermicello. To detach them from the iron, use a knife, cutting them about 4 cm in length. Once all the dough has been worked, filter the heated broth and dip the passatelli. When they rise to the surface, they are cooked. With a skimmer, recover them from the broth and put them in a pan, ready to be seasoned and consumed.


Passatelli with fish sauce

Are you a summer lover and do you already miss it? Season the passatelli with a substantial one fish sauce. How to do it? Get: 450 g of mixed fish, 400 g of cod pulp, 150 g of tomato sauce, 1 shallot, extra virgin olive oil, dry white wine, parsley, salt and pepper to taste. In a large pan, fry the chopped shallot in 3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil. After a few minutes, add the fish mixture, the cod pulp, blend with the white wine and add the tomato puree. Season with salt, bring to a boil and cook for about ten minutes. Then blend everything, cook the passatelli and, once drained, season them with the sauce obtained, sprinkling with pepper and chopped parsley.

Passatelli with porcini mushrooms

THE mushrooms they are the autumn ingredient par excellence. To obtain a delicious sauce, get 200 g of porcini mushrooms, 150 g of tomato sauce, 2 cloves of garlic, oregano, parsley, extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper to taste. Do this: clean the porcini mushrooms well and cut them into small pieces. In a pan, sauté with extra virgin olive oil and minced garlic, then add the chopped porcini mushrooms and the tomato puree. Season with salt and let it simmer, until the sauce has withdrawn a little. Season the passatelli with the sauce obtained, sprinkling with pepper and the chopped parsley and oregano.

Passatelli with sausage and radicchio

This is also an ideal seasoning for the cold season. Get a couple of fresh sausages, crumble them and brown them in a pan, blending them with red wine. Meanwhile, wash 4-5 leaves of red radicchio, cut them finely and sauté them in a pan with the sausage. When they are well dried, add the passatelli. If desired, you can also add a spoonful of cooking cream to facilitate amalgamation.

Passatelli with taleggio cheese and zucchini

Get a couple of courgettes to cut into slices and cook in a pan with onion and garlic. Meanwhile, cut 200 g of taleggio cheese into cubes. When the passatelli are cooked, put them in a pan with the courgettes, add the taleggio cheese, stir in and enjoy!

Passatelli with clams

Spaghetti with clams they are a great classic of the Italian table. An interesting variant? Passatelli instead of spaghetti. Do this: take 1 kg of clams and drain them well in fresh water, remembering to change it often. In a pan, open them, cooking them with extra virgin olive oil and a crushed clove of garlic. Eliminate those left closed and filter the water of the clams, with a tightly woven sieve. Now in a separate pan, heat the extra virgin olive oil with two cloves of garlic (to be removed as soon as they turn golden), add the clams, let the white wine evaporate, adding the water from the clams. Add the already boiled passatelli, season with salt and pepper and sprinkle with chopped parsley.


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