Pappa al pomodoro with sardines recipe – Italian Cuisine

Pappa al pomodoro with sardines recipe


  • 1 g San Marzano tomatoes
  • 300 g sardines
  • 120 g Tuscan stale bread
  • 70 g coarse salt
  • 60 g Tropea onion
  • 35 g basil
  • 30 g sugar
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • chili pepper
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • fine salt
  • pepper

For the recipe of pappa al pomodoro with sardines, clean the sardines: remove the head and open them with your thumb, starting from the belly to the tail, without separating the fillets. Remove the bone and remove any remaining thorns with tweezers.
Jumbled up sugar and coarse salt; pour half of it into a pan; Place the sardines on top, cover them with the other half of the mixture and marinate them for 20 minutes at room temperature or for 1 hour in the refrigerator.
Rinse sardines, dry them with kitchen paper and season with a drizzle of oil.
Blanch the tomatoes, peel them, divide them in half, remove the seeds and cut them into cubes.
Chop onion and fry with a drizzle of oil and garlic. Add the tomatoes, basil, a pinch of red pepper and cook for 5 minutes. Also add the stale bread cut into thick slices, deprived of the crust and, if desired, lightly toasted. Soak it in the tomato and let it boil again for a maximum of 1 minute, adding salt and pepper. Remove the garlic and transfer everything to a planetary mixer; mix for about 15 minutes, then add 175 g of oil and whisk again for a couple of minutes.
Serve lukewarm tomato soup with marinated sardines, garnished with a few basil leaves.


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