Paccheri in cream of walnut mushrooms and speck – Italian Cuisine

»Paccheri in cream of walnut mushrooms and speck


First of all, soak the mushrooms in hot water for at least 10 minutes to revive them.
Squeeze them gently and season them with garlic, oil and parsley in a very large pan, then move them to a mixer, remove the garlic and blend.
Meanwhile, cook the pasta.

In the same pan, brown the speck, then remove a little (you will use it to decorate the dishes) and add the coarsely chopped walnuts, the mushroom cream and a little bit of the pasta cooking water to make everything more creamy.

Also add the pasta to the pan and stir in the cheese and (if needed) a little bit of cooking water.

The paccheri in cream of walnut mushrooms and speck are ready, you just have to serve them.


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