Meatballs without eggs: how to make them super soft – Italian Cuisine

Meatballs without eggs: how to make them super soft


Here's how to make super soft egg-free meatballs with a handful of ingredients and very few steps.

Have you ever tried to prepare meatballs without eggs? Surprisingly, one of the main ingredients of this dish can be deleted without compromising the final result. But let's go step by step. The basic ingredients of the meatballs are: minced meat (or recycle boiled meat and other preparations), bread soaked in milk, cheese, eggs, minced garlic and parsley, salt and pepper. All three ingredients, the egg is entrusted with the task of act as a binder for others. In fact, during cooking, the egg hardens, making the meatballs more compact, with the risk of hardening them. Have you ever thought that raw dough is too soft to end up with meatballs that are too hard after cooking? You have probably put too much egg. This inconvenience will not happen with meatballs without eggs, but it is important to pay proper attention to the proportions and ingredients to avoid the opposite effect, i.e. meatballs that are too soft and poorly compact. So here are our tricks for perfect egg-free meatballs.

Meatballs without eggs with yogurt

Creamy, dense and enveloping. Yogurt is not only good for breakfast and as a snack, but it is the perfect ingredient for mix the ingredients in many savory recipes, such as meatballs without eggs! To prepare them like this, yes mix a jar of yogurt with 500 g of ground beef, proceed with spices of your choice (paprika, cumin, pepper, salt, etc.), add cheese to taste and finish the preparation of the mixture by incorporating breadcrumbs until you reach the desired consistency. These meatballs can then be fried or baked and served with a fragrant sauce based on yogurt, coriander, lime, a pinch of pepper and salt.

Meatballs without eggs with soaked bread

Stale bread soaked in milk gives softness to the meatball recipe, but it should be dosed well in the absence of eggs. The risk in fact is to prepare too soft meatballs and inconsistent with a damp heart that risk falling apart. In order not to be mistaken, it is important in this case to respect the proportions: up 500 g of minced meat, we will use 200 ml of milk and 150 g of bread. You can then add cheese, chopped garlic and parsley, salt, pepper, but also minced cured meats or 200 g of sausage to the mixture to be replaced with the same amount of minced meat. Once fried or baked in the oven, they can be served with a very fresh sauce prepared with mint, extra virgin olive oil, almonds, salt and pepper.


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