Meatballs with sauce: grandmother’s recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Meatballs with sauce: grandmother's recipe


The meatballs to the juice they constitute a classic second course of meat, very tasty and simple to prepare: the main ingredient is a mix of minced meat Of pig and of beef which must be expertly combined with crumb Of bread, egg And grated Parmesan cheesethen seasoned with salt and pepper and then “dipped” into the passed Of tomato.

Ingredients therefore not excessively expensive and steps within everyone’s reach: however, it is important to be very careful and precise in the processing. Below are the steps to prepare the recipe for classic meatballs with sauce, to which you can add variations such as meatballs with mushrooms or the lumberjack meatballs.

A real recipe from the heart, the meatballs with sauce bring back to the Sunday lunches of a time that seemed to never end. Let’s see how best to replicate them, together!


This recipe has already been read 68 times!

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