Meat Burritos – Recipe by – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Meat Burritos - Recipe by Misya


Peel the pepper, wash it and cut it first into strips and then into cubes.

Cut the meat into strips or strips and sauté it in a non-stick pan with a little oil and salt, then keep it aside warm.

In the same pan in which you have already cooked the meat, sauté the onion in strips together with the whole garlic, then add the pepper and cook with the lid on until it is cooked.

Remove the garlic and add the beans and puree, together with the chilli pepper and leave to flavor and thicken before adding the meat.

Finally, add the well-drained corn and let everything flavor together briefly.

Take 1 tortilla at a time, heat it in a non-stick pan on both sides, then remove it from the heat, add the filling to the center and fold the edges over it, first sideways and then above and below, finally roll it up.
Proceed in the same way with the second tortilla.

The meat burritos are ready, all you have to do is cut them in half and serve them.


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