Marinara rice recipe | The Italian kitchen – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Marinara rice recipe |  The Italian kitchen


Often talking about risotto marinara Risotto with fish comes to mind, which has held a place of honor in seafood restaurants for many years. Our marinara risotto, however, is different. It is that of good memories, made with a few genuine ingredients present in the pantry. A simple and tasty dish, perfect when you want comfort food without too many frills.

Fresh tomato pulp and lots of aromatic herbs, with a pinch of chilli which gives it character. Nothing more is needed.

Which tomato to choose for marinara risotto?

In a dish as simple as marinara rice, the ingredients have – even more than usual – a certain importance. Which tomato to choose for marinara risotto? It is best to choose a tomato that is not too acidic: it can be a datterino, if you love the unique sweetness of this variety, or a rib if you prefer a more neutral flavour.

Any advice for a perfect risotto? You can find it in this video


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