Chicken pie | Yummy Recipes – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Chicken pie |  Yummy Recipes


If you think that the tastiest cakes are only the sweet ones, you are making a mistake! Have you ever thought about making a chicken pie? It may seem strange, but it is delicious and very easy: today let’s try the recipe chicken pie!

This rustic stuffed pie is indeed meat-based, so it is in fact a second course, or rather a single, complete and genuine dish, also because inside it even contains the egg!

Unlike the typical ones savory piesthis is not done with the puff pastrybut instead involves a preparation based on shortcrust pastry, very simple and fast. However, nothing prevents you from preparing it with puff pastry or phyllo, for a certainly less rustic effect.

We recommend using fresh chicken breast and cutting it into cubes before cooking! But, if you have any chicken left over day beforegrilled or even baked, you can easily reuse it and recreate your recipe zero waste!

Do you want to make this dish even richer in flavour? Then play with a stuffed with vegetables, such as cabbage or Brussels sprouts, or simple carrots, courgettes or potatoes. Space for imagination!


This recipe has already been read 46 times!

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