London, the Prosecco vending machine arrives – Italian Cuisine

London, the Prosecco vending machine arrives


Until recently, there was an ATM from a bank branch in its place. Then Vagabond Wines, a chain of London wine bars, had the idea of ​​replacing it

aPM, automatic prosecco machine. It looks like an ATM, but actually that machine installed in Glouchester Street not far from Victoria Station, in London, it is a wine vending machine (who knows if it really is prosecco). He talked about this machine for the first time Forbes, who recalled that, until recently, there was actually the ATM of a bank branch in its place.

Then the Vagabond Wines, a chain of London wine shops, present with eight stores throughout the city, had the idea of ​​replacing it with the AMP which, he assures with its "will become very popular, come and visit us!".

On social networks, Vagabond Wines has launched a video showing how it works: only one glass is dispensed at a time, to "transmit a signal of moderation in consumption, Even if it is still a vending machine.

Londoners probably liked this initiative, but the president of Prosecco Consortium Doc Stefano Zanette is very upset. "It is obviously a question of consumer fraud English, as well as serious damage to the image for our denomination ", he explained to" laRepubblica ". "The first report to the English authorities, made by our offices, dates back to the middle of last week", that is when the consortium received news of this opening. The dispute started immediately from Treviso, regarding "theillegitimate reference to the denomination Prosecco appeared on the London distributor. On this occasion, the Consortium reiterates that, net of what happened in the United Kingdom, will act in all locations against anyone, in Italy and abroad, will continue to administer draft wine by selling it as prosecco, which is not allowed in any way from the current disciplinary .


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