Jalisse in Sanremo 2024: the return… to the kitchen! – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


The Jalisse in Sanremo. Yes, without a question mark. This time it’s not just the catchphrase that keeps us busy every year on the eve of the festival. The duo formed by Alessandra Drusian and Fabio Ricci, a couple in life too, truly returns to Italian song festival. He returns 27 years after winning with the song Rivers of words (it was 1997), but above all after as many no’s to the requests to take the stage again with new songs, from artistic directors who in over a quarter of a century have never wanted them in the race again.

A story of resistance, resilience, the perfect example that we must never lose hope, but above all that preserving doesn’t have to be so diabolical, given that somehow they achieved their goal. They succeeded with a nice (and above all enviable) dose of self-deprecation. If Jalisse in Sanremo are no longer a legend it’s because they managed to get everyone to agree in the only way possible. Which if not the kitchen? Yes, in the city of flowers, on the Ligurian Riviera so famous (also) for its wonderful pesto, they set about preparing a beautiful dish of spaghetti with pesto sauce, obviously paying homage to the Ligurian tradition to tempt Amadeushost and artistic director of the song festival for five years (in which he never wanted Jalisse among the competitors).

Jalisse in Sanremo

A find by Pasta Garofalo which has set up a digital initiative created by Xister Reply between ironic and provocative with an evocative title “Love doesn’t love me” starring the Jalisses at the stove to prepare the “Garofalo XXL Spaghettoni with Ariston pesto”: a video posted on the singers’ social profiles and on those of the historic Gragnano pasta factory (@pastagarofaloit and www.facebook.com/PastaGarofaloItalia/), in which Alessandra Drusian and Fabio Ricci finally look light-hearted (it must be said) .

«After 27 years of no, we don’t hold grudges, say the singers, turning to Amadeus. First to reassure him – «Listen here… no, don’t worry: it’s not a new song…. – and then to launch a provocation: «You can’t say no to these lovers (in fact, how could you say no to a plate of spaghetti?!).


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