How to make persimmon gratin with almonds and macaroons – Italian Cuisine

How to make persimmon gratin with almonds and macaroons


Gratin with almonds and macaroons, preparation

1) Wash and dry the persimmons, cut them in half without removing the stalk and with a round digger take a ball of pulp from the central part.

2) Blend the pulp obtained and mix it with the chopped almonds and the crumbled macaroons.

3) Heat the oven grill at 180 °. You do melt the butter in a saucepan without letting it darken.

4) Place the persimmons with the cut side facing up and brush them with a little liqueur or wine and then with a thin layer of butter. Sprinkle with sugar and bake until golden.

5) Remove the persimmons from the oven, turn off the grill and bring the oven at 180 °.

6) Divide the mixture of almonds and macaroons into the persimmons, filling the cavities.

7) Pour the remaining butter and wine into the bottom of the pan and return the pan to the hot oven for others 10-12 minutes.

8) Remove the persimmons from the oven and serve them lukewarm accompanied with whipped cream.


Posted 11/12/2021



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