here is the very quick pudding without sugar and eggs – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

here is the very quick pudding without sugar and eggs


With irresistible meltability, the chocolate pudding And banana it’s a spoon dessert fresh and surprising.

It is prepared with just two ingredients, without with the addition butter, sugar, egg or Flourmaking it, in fact, a very light sweet and also perfect for those following a low-calorie diet.

The preparation time is really short, excluding the two hours in which it will have to rest in the fridge to thicken and reach the right consistency.

The banana must be mashed and then blended well, in order to create a smooth cream without lumps. The dark chocolate must be melted and then mixed with the pureed fruit.

No sugar, therefore, for this pudding, which gets its sweetness from the natural fructose contained in the banana.

After a couple of hours in the fridge the result is a spectacular, light and delicious dessert; the perfect dessert for adults and children.

Naturally sweet and with an intense flavour, the banana and chocolate pudding is prepared without eggs, without sugar and without flour. All you need are 2 ingredients and some baking cups of the desired size to create a delicious and very soft light dessert.

Peel the banana, put the chopped fruit in a bowl and blend with an immersion blender or blender.

Chop the dark chocolate and melt it in a bain-marie or in the microwave for a few minutes.

Add the melted chocolate to the blended banana and mix.

Pour the mixture into the muffin molds and leave to harden in the refrigerator for at least a couple of hours, then put on a plate and serve. You can add bitter cocoa, grated coconut or fresh fruit to customize it.


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