Glazed Tofu – Recipe by – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Glazed Tofu - Recipe by Misya


First of all, rinse the basmati rice well until the water is clear, so that it loses at least a little starch.
Put the water in a pan (double the amount of rice) and bring to the boil, then add salt and the rice, bring back to the boil, cover with a lid, reduce to a minimum and leave to cook for about 10 minutes, trying not to open the lid, then turn off and let it rest like this for a few minutes: the water should be completely absorbed.

In the meantime, lightly press the tofu blocks to release the water and pat it dry with a clean cloth, then cut it into thin slices (about 0.5 cm), then coat it in flour.

Brown the poached garlic in a non-stick pan with a little oil, then add the tofu slices and leave them to brown on both sides, then add ginger, soy sauce and half the sesame seeds.

Separately, combine the vinegar, stock cube, water and honey in a small bowl and mix to dissolve and combine.

Blend the tofu with this sauce, then leave the tofu to glaze well.

Serve by placing the rice underneath and the glazed tofu on top.

The glazed tofu is ready, all you have to do is decorate with the sesame seeds kept aside and serve it.


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