from the heart of Calabria to your table – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

from the heart of Calabria to your table


The history of Calabrian Christmas crepes has its roots in ancient local traditions, which celebrate Christmas by enriching the table with authentic and original flavours. The recipe, handed down from generation to generation, represents the essence of local cuisine, combining quality ingredients with a meticulous preparation process. The combination of flavors offered by original recipe it is a perfect balance between the delicacy of the crepe and the richness of the filling.

There crepe itself, made with a mixture of flour, eggs and milk, has a soft and light consistency. The filling, made with local ingredients (sheep’s ricotta, spicy Calabrian salami, black pepper and aged pecorino), creates a mix of intense flavors that capture the authenticity of Calabrian cuisine. The ideal time to bring this dish to the table coincides with the Christmas and New Year holidays, when families gather to share meaningful meals. The dish is placed at the center of a laid table, helping to create an atmosphere of warmth and tradition. Its symbolic presence represents the continuity of culinary practices passed down over time, a celebration of regional identity and a tribute to the rich Calabrian gastronomic culture. The preparation of Calabrian Christmas crepes, according to the original recipe, although detailed, it can be considered accessible, requiring a certain skill in preparing both the dough and the filling. The final cooking, which gives perfect browning to this dish, is the last step to guarantee an excellent culinary result. Pamper your guests with these delicious ones Calabrian Christmas crepes and share the joy of the celebration with them!


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