Evidence of eternal love: as it was yesterday and as it is today – Italian Cuisine

Evidence of eternal love: as it was yesterday and as it is today


Do you like gifts?

Yesterday: «If you don't like the jewel / dress / bag chosen for you, accept them with a smile and don't forget to show your gratitude by wearing them often.
Today: It's up to you to tactfully direct your partner to the right choice. Afterwards, saying that you would rather change does not sound very nice (while in the Anglo-Saxon world it is the practice). But think about it because you will have to use it often.

With children

Yesterday: «Nothing is more beautiful for a woman than being a mother and nothing makes a man more proud than being a father. Your husband will love you more if you show him your love for them with continuous concern for your children. "
Today: The care dedicated to children must be shared between the couple. To be truly happy both of you need to find a balance in which to give due attention to the children, without forgetting the partner.

How to manage the diet

Yesterday: «The woman has moved almost completely away from the kitchen. Due to the turbulent rhythm of modern life and the mania for thinness, family cooking has been in decline for some time .
Today: In couples, if you are on a diet and your partner is not, do not subject this torture to the other person. Do you want to lose weight? Prepare your vegetables and cook your partner one bacon and egg.

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