Easter meatloaf with boiled eggs – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Easter meatloaf with boiled eggs


The Easter meatloaf with hard-boiled eggs it is a traditional dish at this time of year and ideal for celebrating the holidays with lots of flavour. This is a recipe that is not very simple to prepare but which will be very useful also because it can be consumed in the following days without losing its freshness. And if you like these recipes we also recommend the Sicilian meatloaf.

How to make Easter meatloaf with hard-boiled eggs

To prepare the delicious Easter meatloaf with boiled eggs cLet’s start by soaking the stale bread in milk, then prepare the dough with minced meat, a whole egg, salt, pepper, grated cheese, parsley and garlic. Then we squeeze the bread, add it to the mixture, place the hard-boiled eggs in the center and brown the meatloaf in the pan and then continue cooking in the oven at 180 degrees for 40 minutes. Here are all the steps.


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