Disneyland is the most vegan friendly amusement park – Italian Cuisine

Disneyland is the most vegan friendly amusement park


Peta, a non-profit association that fights for animal rights, recently established that Disneyland, in California, is the most vegan friendly amusement park in the world

Vegan lovers of amusement parks, you are ready to fly to California for a pleasant weekend to spend a Disneyland, including unique attractions and delicious vegan dishes? There Peta, a well-known non-profit organization that operates internationally to safeguard animal rights, has recently declared that the well-known Disney park is the most vegan friendly in the world.
An interesting piece of news that seems to suggest a potential travel destination for the increasingly large population of vegan travelers.

A guide to eating vegan at Disneyland

In her much followed blog, full of news and information not only on the animal world but also on vegan nutrition, Peta not only advises its readers to visit Disneyland, but has published a real guide to navigate from A to Z among the many plant-based options in the park. The long and detailed list of options, which goes far beyond the classic imagery of simple French fries, is also accompanied by a video; Peta's special correspondent, actress Aubrey Miller, welcomes vegans on a virtual gastronomic tour, in what she defines as "the happiest place in the world". During the video the actress tastes personally and reviews some of the park's tastiest vegan dishes and recipes, sowing here and there also some explanations about the advantages of following a vegan and cruelty free diet.


From Mickey Mouse pretzels to BBQ jackfruits

At the Disneyland theme park, which has always been committed to offering its visitors a unique, impeccable and unforgettable experience, the growing global interest in the vegan lifestyle could not escape. For this Disney has made a conscious choice by expanding its vegan options, proving to keep all its guests happy, regardless of their dietary needs. In these all the restaurant's points of the park the menus include plant-based recipes and, when not specified, it is still possible to request them from the staff, as pointed out by Peta. Among snack and vegan street food salty not to be missed according to the organization, there are the warm and fragrant Mickey Mouse pretzel but also a wide selection of vegan burgers including the "Enchanted cauliflower sandwich ”or the Jackfruit BBQ sandwich. In terms of take away sweets there is then the embarrassment of the choice between Waffle in the shape of Disney characters, soft pancakes, colorful cupcakes and dulcis in fundo (it's appropriate to say) the beloved Dole Whip, a creamy ice cream with pineapple, orange, mango, lemon and raspberry flavors. Moving on to the vegan dishes to be included in this vegan tour, the most popular is the so-called Vegan Gumbo, a rich soup served in a bowl of naturally leavened bread, followed by Portobello Mushroom Stack, that is a lasagnetta composed of marinated portobello mushrooms and couscous maque choux (a typical Louisiana recipe) and served with pan-fried spinach.
In short, the possibilities are really many and the wide range of tasty vegan dishes are designed to satisfy all tastes and all ages.

Photo: Turkish_Delight Greek sweet with roses loukoumi_Chris Buttigieg_wikipedia commons.jpg
Photo: loukoumi dolce grecia_Vikipedia.jpg


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