Cinnamon flowers with lemon mascarpone cream – Italian Cuisine

Cinnamon flowers with lemon mascarpone cream


1) Arrange the flour on the work surface, paid in the center 2 eggs beaten with orange juice, 1 tablespoon of sugar and cinnamon and work the mixture until you get a smooth and elastic dough. Formed a ball, wrap it up with plastic wrap and let it rest for at least half an hour in a warm place.

2) Roll out the thin dough with the appropriate machine (if you do not have it, use a rolling pin), then cut out many discs of 2 different diameters (6 and 4 cm). Engrave the edges with radial cuts of 1.5 cm. Overlap small discs to large ones, pressing the center with a finger to make them adhere and forming many flowers. Fry the flowers in plenty of hot oil, drain when they are golden and let them dry on paper for fried.

3) Shelled the remaining egg, whip the egg white and keep it aside; mounted also the yolk with the remaining sugar and the lemon zest, then add the mascarpone first, then, delicately, the egg white. Arrange in the center of each flower a teaspoon of cream and serve the sweets with the remaining cream aside.


Posted on 30/01/2022



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