Christmas 2021: wine gifts – Italian Cuisine

Christmas 2021: wine gifts


The wine world is in constant ferment. Now a bottle is no longer just … a bottle. But it often contains storytelling and experiential content that is nice to share with the people we decide to give a wine. Today more than ever, the choice of which label to put under the tree cannot be casual. On the contrary, we can and must tailor it to the recipient. In short, friend or friend you have, wine – personalized – what a gift!

Metropolitan urban
The urban type loves big cities and, if he doesn't live there, he goes there on vacation as soon as he can. With a contemporary style and punctual attention to the fashions to come, because those of today have already passed, he is not satisfied with what the masses like, but seeks personal and personalized experiences.
The right gift is the possibility of creating a wine that is only hers. To offer it, Urban winery from Milan. The first "small town" production company in Italy created the Make your wine kit, a box with 3 bottles of “base” red wine, the same blend aged in steel, wood and amphora (peculiarity of the cellar). In addition, a corkscrew, tasting sheet and measuring cup, necessary to mix the three nectars as desired and thus create the formula of your original blend. Once conceived, you can even order a supply, even with your own label. The same assembly experience can be done directly in the cellar, under the guidance of a sommelier.
Winks to pop and the world of snowboarders ZAI Urban Winery. ZAI stands for Highly Innovative Zone and this Veronese winery is definitely looking ahead with its wine production … in cans. The modern comics-style packaging, colorful and light-hearted, contains reds, whites and bubbles. For the toasts under the Holidays, the most captivating is Gamea, 100% Garganega Verona Igt, vegan and organic, personified in an adventurous and independent woman-cartoon, who dedicates her life to nature and to the protection of the Planet.

Sartorial tastings
The discerning connoisseur loves wine but, above all, loves knowing its facets and dreams of a guided tour among the different labels, told by expert sommeliers and producers, tailor-made according to their tastes.
Please this typology Sommelier Wine Box, a wine club that for Christmas presents an offer consisting of exclusive and rare wines, from niche wineries and selected by the best sommeliers. The boxes suggest a thematic journey that takes place around three bottles of wine, linked by a fil rouge, like that of January, which explores the world of natural wines. Not only that: thanks to a set of targeted questions, it is possible to create a box calibrated to the palate of the recipient and … of the gift giver, because a precise price range can also be established: impossible to go wrong!
An all-round experience is the proposal to give (or treat yourself!) By Tannic Wine Bar, the wine shop with kitchen that the e-commerce brand inaugurated in Milan last year. Top events, the Master Experience, horizontal or vertical tastings of the highest level, from Sassicaia to Krug and Dom Perignon champagnes, combined with a tailor-made menu designed by chef Francesca Lecchi, for an intoxicating joy of the senses.

Mon amour bubbles
Its watchwords are refined elegance and refined excellence. And he always has a flute in his hand from which a fine perlage is released.
If you have to make a gift to someone who fits this description, the labels of the moment come from the hills of Prosecco di Conegliano and Valdobbiadene, registered in the list of Unesco World Heritage Sites.
If this excellence is combined with the signature of a great chef, Daniel Canzian, the result can only be a unique bottle, a perfect gift for those who are attentive to every stage of production. Is called Ancestral Two Valleys, can be purchased at the Milanese restaurant or online and is a limited production with zero dosage, refermented in the bottle in a natural way, coming from hand-picked grapes to ensure less stress to the plants and longevity to the vineyard.
The rarest production of Prosecco comes from the Asolo hills. The cellar is part of the Consortium Moltelvini which for the Holidays proposes "FM333", the first Cru Superiore Docg Brut Millesimato 2020, fragrant and original even in the aesthetics of the bottle in black and gold.
A really important gift? We move to Champagne for the cuvée Nec Plus Ultra 2008 from Bruno Paillard. The best vintages from 17 "Grand Cru", a selection of Chardonnay and Pinot Noir blended in equal parts, are the protagonists. First pressing, fermentation in small oak barrels for 10 months, second fermentation in the bottle and long aging in the cellars of the Maison, 12 years on the lees and 2 years of rest after disgorgement for an Extra Brut with a very low dosage. A champagne from conoisseurs that will leave those who receive it speechless and those who, in the upcoming holidays, will have the opportunity to toast with him or her!

Francesca Romana Mezzadri
December 2021


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