White Christmas log – Italian Cuisine

»White Christmas log


First of all, prepare the milk cream: add the flour, sugar and vanilla in a saucepan, then pour the boiling milk over it, finally put it back on the heat and let it thicken well.
Transfer the cream to a bowl, cover with cling film and let it cool completely.

Whip the cold cream from the fridge, then add it to the now cold cream, stirring gently with movements from the bottom up, and keep it in the fridge.

Now prepare the biscuit dough: whip the eggs with sugar and vanilla for at least 10 minutes, until the mixture is light and fluffy, then add the sifted flour, a couple of tablespoons at a time, and finally also the almond flour.

Pour the mixture into the baking tray lined with parchment paper, level the surface and cook for about 15 minutes in a convection oven preheated to 150 ° C.
Remove from the oven, cover with a second sheet of parchment paper and roll up, then let it cool completely.

Take back the biscuit dough, open it gently and remove the parchment paper.
Brush with a little milk and stuff with about half of the cream, then roll the biscuit dough over the filling again and leave in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.

Cut the roll, leaving one part larger (about 2/3) and the other smaller (you can also divide it further, as I did, to obtain an even more articulated log).
Place the roll on the serving plate and cover it with the remaining cream (you don't necessarily have to be super precise: after all it is a question of simulating a log of wood) and then with the coconut flour, then store in the fridge.

The white Christmas log is ready, you just have to decorate it, bring it to the table and serve it.


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