Celery and almond clams recipe – Italian Cuisine

Celery and almond clams recipe


  • 500 g frozen clams with the shell
  • 45 g almonds with skin
  • 30 g dry bread
  • 10 g basil leaves
  • 1 large celery stalk with leaves
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt
  • dry white wine

To prepare clams with celery and almonds, cut the bread into chunks. Coarsely slice 30 g of almonds; toast all together in a pan until the bread is golden and crisp; wanting to flavor with a pinch of salt.
whisk celery leaves, 15 g of almonds and basil with 70 g of oil and a pinch of salt, making a pesto.
Cut slice the celery stalk and let it dry for 1 minute in a pan with a veil of oil; add the clams, still frozen, and a splash of wine; move them until they open (it will take 4-5 minutes).
Serve with pesto and pancarré crumbs.


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